Hey everyone,
I'd love to hear your thoughts on Hive Life! What did you enjoy the most, and what aspects do you think could use some improvement? Your insights are valuable, so please share your honest feedback. What worked well, and what didn't quite hit the mark? Additionally, I'm eager to know what you'd like to see in next year's event. Let's open up the floor for discussion and make Hive Life even better together!

Thanks for asking this question Josue, I think it's an important one. First off, what I loved about Hive Life 2024 was everyones positive attitude and the connections I made with other like minded beekeepers. I think if you look at beekeeping solely as a means of income, you won't thoroughly enjoy it. But if you look at it like an opportunity to fellowship with agriculturally focused people and share the fruits of your labor with others, then it will be a rewarding experience---and that's what I saw at Hive Life. I had alot of great conversations with vendors about the future of beekeeping and what they're doing to shape it. Most notably companies like Hives for Heroes, AV Seeds and Rayonier beekeeping are doing some pretty cool things to shape where beekeeping is headed...I'd love to see more vendors (and attendees next year) but I know there were some conflicts with scheduling between two other national conferences being held in the same week.
This year I was part of the Youth Beekeeping Program and got to work directly with about 8 kids who had varying levels of experience with bees. Next year, I'd love to see those numbers balloon to over 30 so we can start guiding kids into bee-education and linking them up with mentors in their area. I won't be around forever and so I'd like to pass this wealth of info onto the next generation while I'm still with it :P